July 13, 2022
CIPEG Board Elections 2022: call for candidates Focus

CIPEG Board Elections 2022: Call for Candidates
The Board of CIPEG, the governing body of our International Committee, is formed of nine elected board members, including one Chairperson, one Secretary, one Treasurer.
Members of the board serve three year terms. Elections are held in the same year as the ICOM Triennial Conference – and both events are coming up this year!
Any voting member of ICOM CIPEG is eligible to stand for any of the positions; all members have the right to vote. The 2022 elections will be held through a secret and independent online ballot, thereby giving every member the opportunity to vote.
Details for applying can be found in our Call for Candidates for the CIPEG Board 2022-2025. Deadline for submitting your candidature is 1 October 2022.