Museum-related electronic resources
Web links
- ICOM Egypt
- International Council of Museums
- International Association of Egyptologists
- Online Egyptological Bibliography (access by individual and institutional subscription)
- International Association of Egyptologists
- Egyptology Resources
- Association of Curators for Collections from Egypt and Sudan (ACCES)
- Museums in the Nile Delta
- CLEO: Portal for the online collections of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore and the Brooklyn Museum
- NCAM – National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums
- International Society for Nubian Studies
- SFDAS – Section Française de la Direction des Antiquités au Soudan
- SARS – Sudan Archaeological Research Society
Online Publications
- Egyptian Museum Newsletter
- Newsletter of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
- Julie Wolfenberger, Avoiding the Mummy’s Curse: how museums can work to raise awareness and prevent looting in Egypt
- Rivista del Museo Egizio (online journal of the Egyptian Museum in Turin)
- MetPublications (inc the Met Museum’s Bulletin)
- Alice Stevenson, Scattered Finds: archaeology, Egyptology and museums (2019)
- Egyptological publications of the Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg København
- Claire Derriks (ed.), Collections at Risk: new challenges in a new environment (2017)